Health tips

October 1, 2016

For years, there has been chatter about Canada’s aging population and the impact that the baby boomer generation will have on health care, the job market and the economy. The country has officially reached a population milestone.

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October 1, 2016

Getting a proper diagnosis is an important aspect of effective health care. When something is not right, whether we are experiencing pain or just not feeling like ourselves, we turn to our doctors, trusting that they will effectively diagnose the issue and provide the right treatment. However, a recent report from the Institute of Medicine found that most people will likely be misdiagnosed in their lifetime. Diagnosis errors exist in all areas of health care and they can harm patients.

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October 1, 2016

Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating disorder that remains a mystery to the medical community. Even with millions in funding and research, a cure has yet to be found. In fact, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is on the rise.

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September 1, 2016

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer found in women, and it is the second leading cause of death from cancer in Canadian women. The Canadian Cancer Society estimated that in 2015, 25,000 women would be diagnosed with breast cancer, 5,000 women would die from the disease and 68 Canadian women would be diagnosed with breast cancer each day.

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September 1, 2016

There are plenty of herbal supplements on the market that can help with everything from overcoming the common cold to boosting your immunity and protecting you against hundreds of other ailments. One herbal supplement that is gaining in popularity is elderberry.

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September 1, 2016

Are you having trouble sleeping or getting the recommended eight hours of sleep each night? Many Canadians are, and it may have more to do with your socio-economic status than you realize.

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