A relaxation center at home

Massage therapy, relaxing baths, and a special place to unwind: discover easy ways to eliminate stress in the comfort of your own home. You can give yourself some well-deserved rest, without the stress of investing in expensive equipment or paying for high-priced spas.

It’s not always easy to relax and empty your mind, or to learn to unwind and eliminate daily stress. But with a little imagination and organization you can make your home feel like a spa where you can take a break in comfort.

Enjoy the Benefits of Massage Therapy

When comedian Bob Hope, who lived to age 100, was asked the secret of his longevity, he answered: a massage a day.

Of course not everyone can afford a massage every day, but from time to time, it can be very beneficial. Whether it’s for therapeutic reasons or simply to relax, massage therapy helps soothe and rejuvenate both body and soul, especially when done in the comfort of your own home. Many massage therapists will come to your home: they bring all the necessary equipment and all you have to do is provide space for a massage table.

The main benefit of receiving a massage at home is that you don’t have to drive home afterwards, which prolongs the beneficial effect. Many insurance plans reimburse massages given by registered massage therapists, for certain conditions.

You can find a registered massage therapist by searching the website of College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (cmto.com).

Recharge Your Batteries – in Your Own Bathroom

Who says you have to go to a luxurious (and expensive) thalassotherapy center to enjoy the benefits of the sea? All things considered, your bathroom can easily do the trick. Fill your bathtub with hot water – not too much – and add sea salt or a seaweed preparation and maybe a few drops of essential oil – lavender is known to combat stress and nervous tension. Light a few candles to create a relaxing atmosphere, then turn on some sounds of the sea and let yourself be rocked by the waves.

While you’re lounging in your relaxing bath, your body will absorb micronutrients and minerals from the sea. After this refreshing aquatic interlude, wrap yourself up in your bathrobe and continue to bathe in the benefits of relaxation.

Create a Special Place to Relax

When you come home and want to take a moment to relax, it’s a good idea to have a special spot where you can go to unwind, regardless of the state of the rest of your home is in. Ideally you should set up a specific room for this purpose. We know that cool colors like blue, green, and mauve have a calming effect, while hot colors like red, yellow, and orange have stimulating properties. The same is true for paint textures–high gloss paints add energy to a room whereas mat paints soften the atmosphere. You should also surround yourself with ambient, relaxing lighting.

Above all, your special space should be equipped with comfortable armchairs, equipment for playing calming music or sounds, candles ready to be lit, and an aromatherapy kit with pleasant fragrances. You should remove any electronic equipment – computers, tablets, e-readers – other than the one you’ll use to play background music.

In this special place, far from the bustle of daily life, you can read, nap, meditate, do yoga, or use simple techniques to relax and eliminate stress.

Supplementary Insurance to Ensure Your Wellbeing

Many group insurance plans reimburse, in whole or in part, health care services not generally covered by provincial health insurance plans. If you don’t have access to a group insurance plan, Blue Cross offers plans that cover a number of services, including massage therapy, physiotherapy, and osteopathy. Do something for yourself – you deserve it!