Five awesome time management tools

Time management is one of the most important skills. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished. Meetings run over, conversations last longer than you anticipated, people run late and unforeseen things pop up, all of which can throw a wrench into your day’s plans.

If you struggle with time management, as many of us do, there are great time management tools and apps that you can use to stay on track and accomplish everything you set out to do each day. Here are a few worth trying:

  1. Remember the Milk: This app helps you manage multiple tasks throughout the day. It is compatible with desktop computers, mobile phones and popular programs, providing you with reminders throughout the day. The best part: it’s free.
  2. Evernote: Have a knack for forgetting things and wishing you had written down your ideas? Evernote is for you. This is a free productivity tool that allows you to record your ideas, thoughts and notes on your phone. You can type, record voice notes or even add images. You can also create lists and attach files within the app.
  3. MyLifeOrganized: This is ideal for anyone who has difficulty managing multiple tasks. “This task management system helps you to target what you should be focusing on to reach your objectives. It automatically generates to-do lists, with priority actions for your immediate attention so that you can track your progress methodically,” says Kirstin O’Donovan on Lifehack.
  4. Daily Agenda: This app syncs all of your calendars in one place, allowing you to get a broad overview of your tasks, meetings and things you need to do on a given day. It even provides you with info such as time until your next meeting and can list upcoming plans.
  5. RescueTime: This is a program that records how much time you spend doing tasks online. “RescueTime is a program for desktop computers that records how much time you expend on everything from Excel spreadsheets to balancing your bank accounts online to watching surfboarding kittens on YouTube. Every time you switch to a new window, RescueTime resets the clock but keeps a running tally that creates a comprehensive picture of how you use your computer,” says Mark Harris on Forbes. This allows you to see how you spend your time and identify ways to become more efficient.

Quick time management tips

In a hurry? Don’t have time for apps? Here are some quick and easy time management tips:

  • Take 15 minutes to plan your day
  • Prioritize your daily tasks
  • Always carry a planner with you
  • Plan buffer time
  • Block out distractions
  • Focus on one task at a time
  • Be realistic with what you can accomplish each day

These time management tools and tips can provide you with the boost you need to get more done each day.