Health tips

May 1, 2016

We hear a lot about Lyme disease in Ontario. It is a more serious illness than many people realize, and it should be taken more seriously. The truth is that most of us are unsure what Lyme disease is, exactly, and how it can impact our lives. We know that we can get it from a tick bite, and it is most commonly contracted in wooded areas or while camping.

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April 1, 2016

People get the hiccups all the time. However, they seem to appear and disappear without rhyme or reason, leaving many people confused about why they occur, including many medical professionals. Most cases of hiccups are no cause for alarm, and the effects will subside in a matter of minutes.

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April 1, 2016

The Zika virus has been getting a lot of press lately. It has caused many people to reconsider their winter travel plans, especially women who are pregnant or plan to get pregnant in the near future. However, many of us only know the basics about the virus: it can be transmitted by mosquitoes and most people who become infected will not have any symptoms.

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April 1, 2016

Time management is one of the most important skills. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished. Meetings run over, conversations last longer than you anticipated, people run late and unforeseen things pop up, all of which can throw a wrench into your day’s plans.

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April 1, 2016

Working from home is more popular than ever. With companies realizing the value of allowing employees to work from home, and with the increase in the number of small business owners, it is estimated that more than 10% of working Canadians work from home.

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April 1, 2016

Getting into shape is a goal for many people. However, knowing what to eat, how to exercise and which fitness advice to follow can be a challenge. There are countless fitness myths and misconceptions out there, and the Internet makes it easy for false information to be spread.

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