Newly widowed

Newly widowed

My spouse passed away and my insurance coverage was cancelled. What now?

Dealing with the loss of a spouse is difficult. After the initial shock wears off, there are arrangements that need to be made, paperwork to fill out and if the spouse had group insurance benefits, sometimes those benefits terminate after a period of time. So where does that leave you? Blue Cross has affordable health insurance plans that are comparable to the group insurance plan benefits you previously had. With some plans offering guaranteed enrolment and no medical exam, you won’t have to worry about qualifying.

Support and advice for surviving the death of a spouse

Often when someone loses a spouse, that person leans on family and friends for support. It’s helpful to speak to someone who has been through a similar life event and can understand the feelings that you may be dealing with. If you are unsure of how to move forward after losing your spouse, this article will provide you with links to all necessary paperwork and helpful advice.
Many people don’t realize the costs that come along after losing a spouse. Sometimes planning ahead can give you peace of mind when you need it most. With a health insurance plan from Blue Cross, you can protect your health and your finances, so if unexpected medical costs arise, you can rest assured that you are well protected for medical costs that are not covered under OHIP.