Travel tips

June 1, 2016

Social media has become a huge part of the travel experience. Travellers use it to find travel destinations, conduct research, post updates, connect with travel providers and, of course, post photos of their vacation.

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June 1, 2016

Google has been indirectly involved in the travel industry for years. From the day their search engine launched, it became a tool that travellers use for trip planning.

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June 1, 2016

Travelling without travel insurance is not advisable, but many Canadians still choose to travel unprotected, particularly when they travel outside their home province but within Canada.

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June 1, 2016

The year 2016 is being hailed as the year when Canadians choose to explore home and destinations that are closer to home. With all that is going on in the world, the less-than-desirable hassles brought on by travel and the lower-than-normal Canadian dollar, more Canadians than ever are planning to stay home and explore some of the many world-class tourist destinations that are only a short trip away.

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June 1, 2016

When visiting a new city, people often want to see as much as they can during their stay. They want to see the top sights, find the most efficient ways to travel through the city and they want to do it all at a good price.

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June 1, 2016

If your dad enjoys travelling, you know that travel accessories are a great gift idea. You know he’ll use them, they will make travel easier for him and he will appreciate the thought you put into the gift.

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