Travel tips

April 1, 2016

Canadian tourism is booming once again, just as it did in the early 2000s, when the dollar was at a similarly low level. The cheap exchange rate has Americans once again heading north, where they can get more bang for their travel buck, especially those who live close to the Canadian border and are only a short car ride away.

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April 1, 2016

Even though it’s in the same country, Vancouver can feel like an international destination for travellers from Ontario or from the eastern regions of Canada. Considering the state of the Canadian dollar, travelling to Vancouver is a great option for Canadians to get away without actually leaving Canada. You can feel as if you’re on an international trip without ever crossing the Canadian border.

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April 1, 2016

Many people are unclear about how long they should hold on to certain documents. While there are some documents we know we need to keep, such as a birth certificate, passport, school degree and tax documents, there are many that fall into the “unknown” category. These are documents such as pay slips, bank statements, bills, receipts and others. While many of us throw these away to avoid clutter, or simply because we don’t want piles of paper hanging around the house, you may be surprised to find out how long you should be keeping some of this paperwork.

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April 1, 2016

While low gas prices and a less-than-stellar Canadian dollar are hurting many industries, tourism within Canada is not one of them. The lower price of the loonie is attractive to international tourists coming to Canada, especially our neighbours to the south.

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April 1, 2016

While there is not much that will keep Canadian snowbirds from heading south for the winter, a low Canadian dollar is making them think twice about their winter travel plans. It is also causing some concern for the southern regions in the United States that depend on snowbirds and tourism to fuel their local economies.

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March 30, 2016

Everyone wants to get the best deal on flights, right? Whether you are planning a European vacation, a trip with the family this summer or are travelling for business, here are 10 effective ways to save money and get the best deal on your airfare:

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